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Polyturnon [v0.10] [ZinkoPoly]

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What if you could win the lottery, be filthy rich, and buy an island populated with beautiful women?
That’s what Polyturnon is all about!
From your own mega mansion to a college for wayward girls, all sorts of sights and characters can be found. Explore a whole island packed full of 69 very different and unique women that are down to fuck in this open sandbox. As the only man on the island, it’s your job to ‘take care’ of them all!

Characters: Main Character + 69 girls Events (including duplicates): 614 (+32) Repeatable Sex Scenes: 216 (+18) Completed Locations: 93 (+5) Main Update Notes: She's a 10 Update - All girls now have at least 2+ repeatable sex scenes - Middle of Night Sleep events more easily done (no longer required to be exactly middle of the night) - Option to read a book in the Library - Nipples for Becca changed due to technical issue - Some event chances toned down - Various bug fixes - New content:
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Download Polyturnon [v0.10] [ZinkoPoly]